Welcome to Kooplex!
Project: antibodyescape
Description: Quick structural analysis of the 30 amino acid mutations on the SARS-COV-2 Spike protein omicron
Creator: Dávid Visontai
Project: ebi-vcf
Description: showing vcf tree of
Description: Emerging Mutations (SARS-CoV) seen in Gisaid database on 03/11/2021
Description: Example queries for our local Databases
Description: Allele frequency threshold analysis
Description: COVEO app with a custom variant browser
Creator: Krisztián Papp
Description: coveo app with browser using cov information too
Project: Honey Bee pipeline
Description: Data and code can be downloaded from https://github.com/jegesm/honeybee-report
Description: MPX app
Description: Coveo app with pcr info
Project: fluML
Description: Explore the relation between mutations and antigenic properties of flu NA protein
Creator: Istvan Csabai
Description: Explore the relation between mutations and antigenic properties of flu NA protein. Duplicate FASTA sequences removed.
Description: Check how many percent of SARS-CoV-2 samples potencially escaped from T-cells
Description: MHCI T cell mutated epitopes
Project: text2sql
Description: Use natural language to create SQL queries
Description: proxy db requests, api role has now logging capabilities
Creator: József Stéger
Project: pk_elte_005_sewage_gpt
Description: Sewage GPT Privacy Policy
Project: veosewage
Description: run sql queries against postgres databases in cluster (sewage and coveo)